Load an image into the WebApp
or take photo with smartphone
The file stays on your device,
nothing is uploaded to a server
Load a video into the WebApp
The file stays on your device,
nothing is uploaded to a server
Connect a webcam or capture card
Requests a full list of devices
Select camera
This will start a stream with the
highest possible resolution,
regardless of framerate.
On smartphones this may run
at resolutions in excess of 4k
Download current frame as a file
For use in other software as
Equirectangular / Lat-Long or
as a high-resolution Screenshot
Both Analog sticks and gamepad buttons are fine. Click the button below and wiggle the analog stick to map that function. If you want to use gamepad buttons instead of analog sticks, you need to press two of them: First one for increasing, second one for decreasing the axis.